Social Profile – Free Advertising

Everyone has been asking in the chats what are Social Profiles as they have been seeing them on a number of the sites and not really sure what they are or what you do with them.

Each site may rebrand them and they might go by other names depending on the site and what the owners are naming them – I will give you some examples later on – first I want to tell you that you are missing out on some great FREE advertising in all the sites that have this mod.

To get started login to one of your favorite sites and see if they have this mod. You may have to hunt around on some of the sites but what you are looking for is My Social Profile and it’s going to look something like these examples of mine

Hungry For Hits

Tezzers Social Profile

Orbital Traffic

LFM Social

The Food Game

After you have logged into the site – click on My Social Profile and if offered pick a background for your pod/blog, then you can put in your info. I am just amazed at how many I see when surfing and there is nothing but the person name and picture – nothing else has been added.

This is a great way to meet other people that you have things in common with – ONE you both are advertising on a Traffic Exchange (TE) and you both are wanting others to see what you are promoting – so I am hoping after this blog post that I start seeing lot more people filling in their Traffic Pods in their Social Profile.

AND for some of you that don’t know what to write and just want to add a banner of one of your sites that you promote which in my opinion is better than leaving things blank – here is the code that I use to add that banner to my post

<a href="" target="_blank&quot;" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="400" border="0"></a>

Now get out there and lets see some post – you don’t have any excuses anymore – if you have any questions or comments – just leave them below and will answer each and every one – enjoy

P.S. Bloggers – did you see how I used this to lead you back to my blog – hint, hint

Keep Your Profile Updated

Today I have run into a few things and thought I would share with you and why you should keep your profile updated.

As a TE owner, there are times that extra prizes are given for different reasons at a site and I was working on awarding prizes today to find that alot of members profiles were not updated.

If you want to earn these extra prizes, you need to fill in your Food Game username,  your TEHQ (Traffic Exchange Headquarters)  username – you are missing out on your prizes if they are not filled in.

The other thing that I also ran across today – you know how you get emails saying that you have commissions, referrals etc.  well if you have the box unclicked in your profile you will not get these notices.

Well I knew I had gotten quite a few from sites and thought I’d go and check out where I might be at payout.  Most of you know that I use TECP (TE Command Post) to check this and wow what a surprise.

When I logged into TECP, I could see that I was at payout at quite a few sites and from there I could click on the site to login and see what was wrong.  Yes I’m guilty sometimes of forgetting to put in my payment addy and I actually was surprised when I got to some sites.

Now I’m not sure when this happened but from what I hear there is a new plugin that some sites have added and this is another reason why you should keep your profile updated.

If you have not been to your profile lately, take the time to check them as I have also been told that if this is not filled in then – you may not get your commissions.

Get Traffic To Your Blog

It’s funny how conversations in Skype rooms can give you a topic for a blog post and this one is going to surprise you on how to get traffic to your blog.

I was just in a Skype room and the conversation was that one site owner was not allowing blogs in their site.  So it was asked why as a blogger I like to get people to my blogs to help people from not going through some of the things that I have learned the hard way.

The conversation went to that the reason they didn’t was because people were just adding their main page and to me I agree that is just as bad as adding the home page or main page of a TE (traffic exchange) and wonder why you are not getting any referrals.

The one thing that came out of this conversation was think of advertising in TE’s as a billboard along a highway.  That ad on the billboard has to grab your attention going down the road at 65 mph.  Online advertising is no different – you members are surfing at 6, 8 and 10 second timers – you have that time frame to grab their attention.

Sourch: inboxity

Source: inboxity

HOW DO YOU DO THAT?  You have to get creative as an advertiser and put out splash pages or squeeze pages that are going to give them a REASON to click.  Just like the billboards along the highways – give the driver a reason to take the next exit and visit their store.

I recently did a blog post on What Happened to Creativity?  When is the last time you looked at ads in a magazine, newspaper, or even google ad examples?  Study those ads and notice how they are set up and that there are only key points there so that you will go to the store, go to their website, etc.

Bottom line is if you are trying to get traffic to your blog then you need to give me a reason to click and go to your blog – put on your creativity hat and can’t wait to see your ads that you create.   Below is one example of how you can get people to your blog.

Prepare for the unexpected

This last 6 months have been a challenge for me – as most of you know I have had some health issues – so thought I would share with you one of the things that I have done to prepare for the unexpected.

Sometimes life just happens and you have to learn to go with the flow! That is what happened to me and yet it is still my responsibility to keep Zaney Clicks out there as the owner.  So many times people ask me how do I keep up – well I feel that I’m so behind but wanted to let you know the #1 thing that has helped me prepare for the unexpected.

As most of you know I am a member of MANY traffic exchanges and here is my secret to prepare for the unexpected.  The site that I’m talking about is TE Commando Post and yes I took the time to add the TE’s that I’m a members of in and now with ONE CLICK I know exactly where I need to add credits.

If you all missed my last post on TECP below is the title and clickable link … I think that this is one of the most important sites to help YOU prepare for the unexpected.

How to Stay Organized With Your Traffic Exchanges

With all the bad weather that has been happening around the country, this is a must for anyone who wants to help keep their sites or advertising showing when the unexpected happens.

I hope that this helps… it’s been a life saver for me… Remember unexpected things do happen and you need to be prepared for them, in advance!

What Happened to Creativity?

This popped into my head today as I was going through my emails and thought it would make a great blog post – What Happened to Creativity?

First, for all of you that don’t remember what the word means,  “creativity” is the use of the imagination or original idea – now did you see the word Original.? THAT means created directly and personally by a particular artist; not a copy or imitation.

Now I don’t know about you but I DO NOT even open emails with these headlines:

Claim Your Login Spotlight Reward
Cross Promo with XYZ Site
Our Surf Timers Have Been Lowered
2 Day Credit Special

Usually, these are default headliners and I feel owners are just being lazy and keep sending out.  Now think about it – You have to pay money for that spot in the Spotlight Logins. Do you really think that sending out all these emails with the same old headline are going to get members excited about logging in and taking a look at your ad?

Now I don’t know about you but I believe, if you are going to run a business, you would want to stick out… be different… AND give members a REAL reason to login to your site… hence this blog post!!

I think I’m on a roll here… there other headlines that don’t get opened are the ones that sound too good to be true or are full of spam words.  You can Google to find out about this OR this blog post that I found very interesting…

438 Spam Trigger Words to Avoid And Why Context Matters More

So I’m going to ask once more… What Happened to Creativity? I am hoping that bringing this to YOUR attention will spark some creativity.  I’m looking forward to opening up my emails and see some of this YOUR creativity.

Oh and while you have your creativity on a roll – the same can be applied to TEXT ads – give the people a REASON to click that ad, click your email.

Yeahhhhhhhh I see that mind going – Zaney Clicks needs some text ads – so let me see what you can create!!


Square Banners 101

After spending hours of cleaning up the Square Banners, I thought this would make a great blog post Square Banners 101.  In this post I’m going to show you how many people waste impressions and in some sites waste, piles of money as you have to buy the square banner impressions.

If you are not sure what a square banner is, it is just that… square.. and it measures 125X125 pixels. Most sites will have these for you to use in the Affiliate Toolbox. If the site does not offer this, contact the site owner and tell them what you need or just make your own.


Now many of you are trying to put a 468×60 in where the 125×125 square banner goes.  When you do this, people can’t read your banner… thus wasting impressions and money – here are some examples





Also Photobucket has changed its terms… people who were using Photobucket to store their images… can no longer use Photobucket for free 3rd party hosting. Photobucket defines 3rd party hosting as the action of embedding an image or photo onto another website.  So basically what they want you to do is pay a monthly fee now to host your images and anyone that has not paid you will see an image like this

Image result for photobucket 3rd party hosting

Now if are experiencing this – there are a few things you can do and that is sign up to the monthly upgrade at Photobucket.  The other thing is that you can go to your Photobucket account and save the images to your computer and then upload them to your own domain’s site.  A third option is to get a cheap domain and get a $2 yearly hosting package from some hosting (Maderite does this) and store all the photos there and use your own link for these banners… I suggest that people buy their name domain… twofold purpose and hang the jpgs and gifs and pngs there and if you upload the graphics to the root of the domain… it is simple….

One more thing that you should pay watch when designing your own banners are the colors – a dark text on dark background is very hard to read… also just using different colors won’t work for people who might be color-blind… saturation is also important…

AND I remember when I first started I thought that the flashing was eye catching until  I got a ticket from a member letting me know that every time she saw my ad – it gave her a migraine. (also can trigger epileptic seizures)

So keep in mind when you are designing… just because you CAN get fancy… most of the time you will find the K.I.S.S rule applies.

What Do You See When Surfing?

judgingcatWhile I am one that surfs many sites – today I was just thinking (scary thought
huh?) what do you see when surfing?  I bet if asked each of you would have
a different answer on what they see when surfing.

Since I am well over due for a blog post, I thought I would put it out there and see what others are really seeing.  There are many reasons that a person surfs , most surf to earn credits to get their sites seen.

This post is to try to get you to pay attention to what are you really seeing
and do you really know what you have seen.  Now if most were honest bet
the main thing that you watch are the icons and making sure you are clicking
the right ones – come on I know I’m guilty of that sometimes as my mind
wanders and stop paying attention.

But when I’m really paying attention there are things that I look at – like –
which sites are being shown and who is promoting and taking action.
Then I also pay attention to the banners and text ads to see if there is
something there to make me want to click and what was it that made me
want to click.  Plus I’m always looking for new ways and ideas to promote
Zaney Clicks and surfing wakes up my creativity.

223983781438059586_OQ73fQx9_bNow I know most of you get that page what was the last site you seen? How many of you get it right and how many of you don’t.  I know lot of people don’t like that mod but I really think that is great as it does help to wake you back up from just the click, click, click and not really paying attention

And yes I have missed those questions and why I know they do make me pay attention more  after missing one – the next time is comes up don’t it make you feel better when you get it right.  Well this not only is good that you were paying attention but then you are not viewing ads like you wish others are viewing yours.

Well it amazes me that I have no clue what I’m going to say when I start and
then all of a sudden I have see that I went on and on – oops.  But one other
thing to sum all this up – just don’t click, click, click to earn that penny, nickel,
stamp, helmet, trophy, chef hat – really pay attention to your fellow members ads.

Leave a comment and let’s hear what do you see when you are surfing – don’t
be shy as your feedback will be very helpful to others – no matter how long
you have been doing this – we still can learn new things – teach me something


Making your text ads work from lessons I learned

It’s interesting how many times I hear that text ads don’t work, I never get results from text ads and let me tell you they do work with some tweaking.  Here are some things in making your text ads work from lessons I have learned

161777811584436570_IxPBd3u7_bOver the years, I have watched text ads and headliners to solo ads and I can tell you there is a trick to all this that I discovered.  One when you are viewing ads – that text ad is competing with other things on that page and it has to jump out at you and say click me.

Now if you are viewing ads and you just see another sites name that really don’t excite me as I already know what I’m going to see when I click.  So kinda boring don’t you think????

Now what if you put some pazazz, excitement, curiosity in that text ad – you need to give the person viewing ads a reason to click that text ad. Here is a few examples …..

Cheaper than a gallon of gas
You will be tempted….
Adult Coloring Books!!!
You Afraid of ALIENS ?
There Is Life After PAYPAL
Close your eyes and make a wish
Not Surfing Here? Big Mistake!

These are just a few that I picked out to show you – the first one is surely a way to catch someone’s eye without putting in a price.  2nd one – tempted on what – click and see – so simple huh?  Adult Coloring Books – well that made me click and they are really Adult Coloring Book – awesome books – great Christmas gift.  You Afraid of Aliens?  well I had to click that one just to see who was being clever lol.

And with all the downers going on about Paypal – the next one was hope and let you know that this might have been a stumbling block but life does go on – very good one.  Close your eyes and make a wish – again clicked that one just to see what I could wish for.  AND if you have a site that is working for you – thought the last one was very clever with the reverse psychology.

Teaching catSo the next time you are adding your TEXT ADS – stop and think about what your a adding and ask yourself will someone click on it.  Making your text ads from lessons I have learned is not that hard – just put a little thought into it the next time you are just going to add a site name – you will be surprised

Oh one more thing – since you don’t see your own text ads when viewing ads – here is another things I learned the hard way – my whole ad was not being displayed.  The normal amount of characters are 30 including spaces.  Here are a few examples of what I have seen

This is your chance to Earn a
Free Pros Going Now. Limited T
Social Networking with Free Cl
Get Paid 0.5 Cents For Every E
Our Unique Software Will Pla

So make sure that the site you are adding your text ad you know how many characters you are allowed so that others are seeing what you meant to say.  Just so you know Zaney Clicks lets you add 40 characters plus spaces.

I really am going to shut up – one more tip.  If you are not creative then do like I do – get inspiration from reading emails for credits and then pay attention to the ones that caught your eye and make a swipe file (secret) a swipe file is a text file that I have in notepad that I swipe from someone else and put my twist on it.  There are many, many places to add to your swipe file – magazines, newspaper ads, billboard ads, other text ads, facebook ads and even twitter.

Are Traffic Exchanges Dead?

There has sure been alot of rumors around TEland and the buzzing in the Skype Group Rooms and have everyone asking are traffic exchanges dead – well here is my opinion.

No I don’t feel that traffic exchanges are dead but I do believe that the structure of TEs will need to be changed.  So in the next months you WILL be seeing changes in TEland.

The first change that you are seeing TE’s are changing the payment processors from Paypal to other payment processors.  There are many reasons why but the bottom line is that Paypal right now does not want to have anything to do with traffic exchanges.

The other change that you also will be seeing is that subscriptions are being canceled that you had set up and that is another thing that Paypal is limiting accounts – both site owners and members if they pay a subscription to a traffic exchange – so the plan B right now is finding other payment processors .

Some of the ones that I have seen recently are Wise, Coinbase, Skrill, Uphold, Square, and Zelle to name a few.  This takes owners time to set up as there is alot of behind the scene to get things so that they work  and most of the time things that are purchased has to be manually done

So wanted to get this out to everyone just to let you know that traffic exchanges as your know it will have to change.  I know lot of you do NOT like change but to keep this industry moving forward – it is necessary.

In the future, you will be getting updates on this blog as changes are made and I will have to tell you the first change that was made on Zaney was the surf button was changed to view ads.  What I found funny about this simple change was the support tickets that I got wanting to know how can I surf the sites the surf button is gone.

This is just one example of the type of changes that you are going to be seen – my answer back to these support tickets was giving them the definition of a traffic exchange and that is I view your ad in exchange for you viewing mine.

Stay tuned as I will be letting you know of changes as they happen – remember change is NOT a bad thing – even tho we don’t like it – sometimes change is for the better.


Are You Guilty?

cat14As I was working online today a few thoughts popped in my head and thought I would go over a few and see Are You Guilty too.

We have gotten into this fast pace world so much online that we don’t seem to have patience anymore – we want it now, we want faster timers, we want, we want, are you guilty.  Well it’s not easy to admit but I found myself falling into this trap and forget that life happens, things break, and there are humans behind these screens – not machines

As you all know, I’m a big surfer as I like to get the sites all over and do you log into a site and think to yourself wow that is a great offer – buy, buy, buy and the next thing you realize that you broke your budgeted amount you had put aside for the month – are you guilty.  Again, I am – I have come to the conclusion that I’m shopaholic – not that I go out to stores and spend, spend, spend but I sure like clicking that buy button especially if it’s a great deal.  Will I stop – no – but I do have to watch closer on what I spend.

Have you spent hours surfing a site and are so excited about moving on to the next one because you have a set amount of time put aside in your schedule for surfing – then realize that you forgot to assign your credits, banner and text impressions – are you guilty – again I am and I think instead of going back right away and doing it I tell myself that I will do it the next time around – hmmmmm do you know how long my stuff is not getting seen because I didn’t take the time to follow thru before I left the site – are you guilty

judgingcatWell this one gets me all the time and I miss out on so much free advertising – when I do remember to assign everything – I still am rushing on to the next site that I forget about the bonus in the surfers rewards – are you guilty.  If you are like me, but the time you remember oh crap I didn’t collect the surfers rewards – it’s too late as the site has already reset for the day.

One more before I call it a nite – are you so waiting for the next set of icons to come up that you just glance at the site and then click.  Then are pissed at yourself when you get to the next page and it ask what was the site you just seen and you go oh crap – I just looked at that page and pick what you think you saw to come find out you are wrong – are you guilty?   You would not believe how many times I yell at myself – yea I said yell – you can ask my cat as he takes off to the other room – poor cat.

Well would love to hear how many of you will admit and comment on this one as all this is NOT easy for admit because in our mind we are superwoman and superman and can’t admit to costly mistakes like this – are you guilty?  Well I was until tonight and thought – you know if I do these silly things – bet there are others.

Don’t know about you but I have hard time shutting the brain down when I go to bed and thought of one more that is important.  When you signup at a new site and you are so excited about getting in there to click the required pages that you just check that box that says I have read the terms – are you guilty.  Yep me too and will even take it one step further – how about jumping to add your sites and start surfing that you don’t even look the site over – the members page, the FAQ’s page or even click any of the other buttons to find out about what the site is all about – are you guilty.  Yea this is hard one to admit but I have kicked myself in the hinder so many times later when I realize that I am missing out on some awesome features that the site is offering.