Are Traffic Exchanges Dead?

There has sure been alot of rumors around TEland and the buzzing in the Skype Group Rooms and have everyone asking are traffic exchanges dead – well here is my opinion.

No I don’t feel that traffic exchanges are dead but I do believe that the structure of TEs will need to be changed.  So in the next months you WILL be seeing changes in TEland.

The first change that you are seeing TE’s are changing the payment processors from Paypal to Payza.  There are many reasons why but the bottom line is that Paypal right now does not want to have anything to do with traffic exchanges.

The other change that you also will be seeing is that subscriptions are being canceled that you had set up and that is another thing that Paypal is limiting accounts – both site owners and members if they pay a subscription to a traffic exchange – so the plan B right now is Payza.

Another change that you are seeing is that sites are slow in adding Payza as a payment processor and this is NOT the site owners fault as with Paypal kicking TE’s out right now – Payza got overloaded with requests.  Sites have to fill out an application about their site and then Payza goes over the application and approves your site.  It use to take 2 days to get approved and now it’s taking up to 2 weeks is what some owners have been seeing.

So wanted to get this out to everyone just to let you know that traffic exchanges as your know it will have to change.  I know lot of you do NOT like change but to keep this industry moving forward – it is necessary.

In the future, you will be getting updates on this blog as changes are made and I will have to tell you the first change that was made on Zaney was the surf button was changed to view ads.  What I found funny about this simple change was the support tickets that I got wanting to know how can I surf the sites the surf button is gone.

This is just one example of the type of changes that you are going to be seen – my answer back to these support tickets was giving them the definition of a traffic exchange and that is I view your ad in exchange for you viewing mine.

Stay tuned as I will be letting you know of changes as they happen – remember change is NOT a bad thing – even tho we don’t like it – sometimes change is for the better.
