Did you just close the door in my face?

I’m sure this is a topic that everyone has gone thru now and then and with so many sites out there – just how well is your customer service. Do you really want me to use your site or did you just close the door in my face?

slamdoorWhen I first opened my mailer, Zaney Mailz, I looked around and thought that some of the extra mods that I was seeing would kinda be nice to add but I always like to try mods out and see how easy they are to use and how I feel when I do.

Well the one that I am considering is the claim this spot as that is my choice if I want to use it and sometimes I have the time – so that one is not so bad.

The one that really has started to make me feel like you don’t want me to use your site is the one that I HAVE to read 2, 3, 5, 10 and even 20 emails before I can send my own.  Well did you just close the door in my face?

After using mailers more and more, I have joined and use mailers alot even more so after Marty’s great site Referral Frenzy  But the one thing that I am finding is that I really don’t like to be told I can’t come into your site (store) unless I read emails.

AND yes I am aware that the idea behind a mailer is to get people to read emails but there are other ways to coach them or give them a reason to want to read on your site.  It has gotten to the point that I have separated off the sites from my list that force me to read and yea you guessed it – don’t use as often.

When I started looking at this list, I didn’t realize how many there really was, but for me I am more apt to go and use a site that I feel welcome, where I can run in and get done what I need – you do have to keep in mind that lot of people are strapped for time.

opendoorSo, bottom line – don’t force me to read emails to use your site as the more that I have to do that to less I’m going to use your site.  AND if I upgraded on your site and you are still forcing me read emails – well shame on you as you just lost a sale.  There is a reason that I bought the upgrade so that I would have the credits to mail my emails – and not feel – Did you just close the door in my face?

Now I would love to hear the pros and cons on this – so leave me a comment and let me hear your side.  Thanks in advance.

Work Smarter, Not Harder (part 2)

161777811584436570_IxPBd3u7_bWell I’m going to take a few minutes to put an answer to a question that I have gotten over and over the last week on the previous post Work Smarter, Not Harder and I love the feedback that I get from these post – so feel free to leave comments here or Skype me @ nancyradlinger

People have mentioned to me that they has been trying this theory and so I asked each one to tell me what they had been doing with the site they were promoting.  Each said they had put in the site url, added a banner and text link in other TE’s and assigned credits to that one url, banner and text – that the sites would only allow the url to be added once.

cat14After hearing this, I realized that I didn’t mention that the way to utilize ALL of your sources that is available to you did not fully explain what I was thinking and that you all are not mind readers – sorry my fault for not explaining further.

Here is what I do when a site will not allow the same url to be repeated – I will go to the site and grab the urls of the splash pages as they are all different urls – and if you go to the site that you are promoting you will hopefully see that the site has offered you a variety of pages to promote.  Oh I know you are thinking why would I want to do this.

There are a few reasons why this important to do – when you are picking out a splash page to promote you are picking the one that you like and I learned from years ago that just because I like it – others may not have the same taste as I do.

See I owned a gift shop for years and when I would go to buying shows I would take a couple girlfriends along to go with me and then I would order a variety of things from what I liked and what they liked.  This is a big mistake I made for years with the gift shop till I learned that just because I would never like this particular thing – it doesn’t mean someone else might.

Well the same works in promoting your ONE site – when you are picking the splash pages that you like based on the graphic, colors, etc. – you are limiting your audience.  So that is why it’s important to pick a splash that you don’t like, colors that you think are just ucky as there are some out there – it could be their favorite and they click.

cutekittenNow I know you are thinking, Nancy you have really gone Zaney – there is no way that someone is going to click on an add just because they like the colors, the graphics etc. well I did a test oh about a year ago and tested it – same ad and just changed the background in it – now here is the interesting part – I got the same results from each page.

So with so many talking to me this week with similar stories thought I would do a follow up post on Work Smarter, Not Harder as there might be more of you out there with the same issues.  Grab those splash page url and add them to your tracker and bet you will be surprised what your results will be.

Work Smarter Not Harder

smartcat3It’s interesting how ideas of post can pop in your head as I stopped by the chats today in TE land to wish everyone a Happy Easter.  As I lurked and watched what was being said all I could think if only these people would work smarter not harder.

Now I know lot of you are not going to be happy with me and hopefully you will listen and really think about what I’m going to tell you.  You have been around internet marketing long enough to know the money is in “the list”.  Have you been creating your list or have you just been out there following the crowd.

You have heard many people tell you to pick one program and promote, promote, promote build up your downline and then when those referrals are earning you the credits and money that you need to that site – then find another and repeat.

Why would I want to build my downline in ONE program- there are  reasons – and I will highlight a few of them here.  The first is that most programs that you are an affiliate of will pay you for bringing in referrals.  Now think about it how long do you spend a day surfing to earn .25, .50 or even 1.00?  A way to work smarter, not harder – 1 referral for .25, 2 referrals for .50 and 4 for 1.00 @ .25 each.

Now if you took that time and promoted ONE program all over – putting all your advertising sources to work for you and yes I mean ALL.  Most of your have credits built up from all the surfing that you have been doing earning those pennies, nickels, etc. right?  Well use them credits up and start promoting, promoting, promoting your ONE site and I know all of you have a favorite site, maybe one you have been paid at already, one that you surf all the time etc.

Now here is the secret that most don’t know – most sites give you a % of credits for your referrals to the point that when you get lot of referrals – you don’t even have to surf the site anymore to keep credits – now that is how to work smarter, not harder.  Most of the time new referrals need to surf to build up a credit surplus and if you look at the membership levels at your favorite site bet you will find even as a free members you get a % of credits

smarter2Got you thinking now huh?  So if one of your referrals surfed 100 pages and you get 10% – that would be 10 credits earned x 10 referrals – well you can do the math.  See how easy it can be to work smarter not harder – which is better a few hours promoting vs many hours surfing or clicking email for the same .25, .50. or $1.00 even.

So grab your favorite site’s URL and work smarter not harder and would love to hear some feed back on how much time you save in the long run and how much more money you will earn.  Thanks for listening

When is it SPAM

spammingIt’s been interesting over the years all the definitions of SPAM as when you Google the word this is what you get irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients – so want to mention a few things as to when is it Spam.

Over the years, when someone drops a link in a chat room they were considered to be a spammer and people had no tolerance for it but I listened to James Dias Traffic Exchange Daily  the other day and I have added it here and this will help clear up some questions on when is it SPAM

So how many have done that on the social sites??????? I know I’m have been guilty and this was an eye opener for me as I have been banning people for years for adding a link to my chats on my sites and even in my Skype room – YET I would throw links out on Twitter and Facebook.

Would love to hear any feedback on this and also any suggestions on how I as a site owner can change things up when I’m asking you to hit that Twitter or Facebook buttons on the site.

So the next time before you hit that button or throw your link into the social media – hope you will think about this post and when is it SPAM.

Bullies in TE Land

judgingcatIt’s interesting as you keep quiet and just watch rooms and other site owners at how much you can learn just by listening.  And from what I can see, hear and read there seems to be a group of bullies in TE land.

I don’t know about you but I was always taught ye without sin cast the first stone and I really don’t know what give some owners and admins the right to think that they know everything there is to know and that their way it the “only” way.

Personally, I would like to pat everyone on the back that is trying to learn and earn online whether it’s by surfing or by being a site owner.  With all the TE’s out there – yes we do compete with each other but does that give a certain few to get in a public room and put others down.

Again, I was taught that if you don’t have anything nice to say – then don’t say anything.AND then you wonder why there is so much negativity in the TE World – why so many say TE’s don’t work – maybe the next time you are pointing your finger at someone you should be reminded of the ones that pointing back at yourself.

Also, while I’m a little rant here getting things off my chest, another thing I was taught was you should never speak badly about anyone until you have walked in their shoes.  What happened in this world to helping others, being there for someone if they need help and turning the other cheek when needed.

It just seems that some like to forget how it was when they started and all the mistakes that they made but I don’t recall a group of bullies talking about it in a public room.  Back years ago, you went to that person in private and aired out your differences.

Call me old fashion, old school or just plain old but I am also one that believes what goes around comes around – so people should watch what they say, how they treat people and don’t always think that your way is the right way.

You will see many successful owners that would never do that in public and I would like to pat them on the back – there is a time and place for everything you do and talking about others in a public room is NOT the time and place – JMO

So for all the bullies in TE Land, I hope that you start thinking twice before you know everything about everything.  AND I would like to applaud all the owners and surfers that don’t pay them any mind and do it “YOUR WAY”  Kudos for you, you hold your head high keep on doing it and I will end with a song from the “King”

Patting a member on the back

pat on the back photo: Pat on back patonback.gif
You know one of the biggest complaints that I hear from people is that they can’t get any referrals and that all the site owners get them all.  They wish there was a way to build their list and get referrals to some of their favorite programs.  Well as I was surfing, I spotted this page and doing this blog post as a way of patting a member on the back.

Now I know you are wondering how in the world can a person get referrals when they don’t own their own site, well this is one clever way that I have seen and want to give kudos to Robert Moreno for coming up with a way to build his list.

Robert Moreno’s Top 8 Traffic Exchange Celebration

Now how cool is that – awesome looking page and I give him credit for believing in his programs that he’s willing to spend money to have a promotion like this on his own.  So you see – you don’t have to own your own site and you can have your own promo.  Isn’t that an interesting concept.

While I’m patting a member on the back, I would also like to thank Robert for sponsoring Zaney Clicks in some of the promotional hunts that are out there also.  So the next time that you get all down in the dumps because you are not getting referrals – think outside the box and you can even follow Robert’s lead and get creative.

So everyone get your thinking caps on and I know that you will be able to come up with a way to get them referrals coming in.  Would love you hear your comments of how you think outside the box – feel free to share in the comment area.


Ending 2013 – Beginning 2014

It’s funny chatting with people about things that run thru  their head when ending 2013 and beginning 2014.  You hear so many saying that they made resolutions that they didn’t keep or that they wish they had done this and wish they had done that – WELL got a few things to share with you – you know me I love quotes and this posted in the Zaney Skype room got me thinking …………….

Its New Year Again!!!
Make it count!
Don’t make resolutions,
Make A DECISION to leave the past in the past.
Start over, start fresh, chase your dreams,
Set your goals,
take action,
Make 2014 YOUR best year ever!

dreamAbility is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.~ Lou Holtz

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something you only do it when it’s convenient, when you’re committed you take no excuses only results.” Author Unknown

“You don’t have to be great to get started but you have to get started to be great.” – Les Brown

It’s not where you came from,it’s where your going that matters. Your past does not define you,it is what you do today that defines who you will be tomorrow.You cannot change the past,but you can sure change the future by making the right decision today! ***CHINKEE TAN***

“When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow–
You may succeed with another blow,
Success is failure turned inside out–
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit–
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.”
~ Unknown

journeySo if you didn’t reach your goals in 2013, if you didn’t get everything you wanted to do in 2013 – then this is your chance to grab the bull by the horn and make it happen in 2014.

Where do you start – well I wrote a blog post once on a 30 day challenge and as a reminder from a friend am going to post the link again – this is a great place to start if you don’t have a game plan – this will get you committed to your first 30 days to help start taking action – after all that is the key that so many are missing. Are You Teachable

The day you take complete responsibility for yourself, the day you stop making any excuses, that’s the day you start to the top.”   Bob Moawad

“We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse.”
Rudyard Kipling


Safety Precautions

safety1Working online can be very rewarding and fun but there are safety precautions that a person can do and should be doing and believe me this is just a few that I have learned along the way.

There are some things that I just wanted to highlight in this blog post to make you aware and use caution here online.  These are just some things that I have learned the hard way and some I have heard from friends.


Most of you probably know what this word means but if you were like me you had no clue what it meant when I first started online.  Phishing pronounced fishin is the activity of defrauding an online account holder of financial information by posing as a legitimate company.

This happens in emails, Skype, Facebook, Twitter, etch so it really keeps a person on their toes.  My rule of thumb NEVER click on any links that you do not know where they came from and DO NOT even click on any links from friends unless you are talking to them at the time.  I will even take this one step further – ask a question that only the person you are talking to will know the answer as some hackers will even talk to you – I had that happen on Skype before pretending to be the friend of the account they had hacked.


Yes that is a scaring word to lot of people but do you know there are hackers out there that will download them on your computer to get info from you.  They can be disguised in ways that look harmless.

Drive-by downloads

Did you know that hackers can sneak malicious code on to legitimate website – when you think that you are downloading a legit file or even pictures.  That happened to me once when I download a picture that I wanted to use from Facebook and Google.

1069368_10151561408673925_171554819_n Bypassing passwords

As I was researching, I was quite surprised to find out that there is a software that will actually install virus and can read what you type on your computer – thus giving the hackers your passwords.

This info was gotten from this post on USA Today and here is the link to the post and really think that everyone should read this 5 Ways Hackers Attack You. 

This all has been a real eye-opener for me and actually my research started on all this as my support guy is always on my case about logging out of my sites vs just hitting the X at the top and closing out.  Well this does NOT close you out and leaves a door open for hackers – in fact there are a group out there that are doing just that.

So this all started out with me just giving you a eye-opener and like with any thing that you do there are safety precautions that you have to do.  Take the time to log out of your site, your cpanel, the TE you are surfing etc.  I know it’s a PITA and quicker to hit the X but don’t be leaving your doors open and invite unwanted intruders in.  This is like locking your front door and leaving the back door unlocked thinking that a burglar wouldn’t bother to check – think again.

cat5A couple more places that I would like to send you to especially if you share a computer or might have to use the computer at the library or school.  The Data Goldmine

AND this one for sure as I have been guilty of this and that is using the same password at many of the sites that I’m on because it’s easier to remember.  Keep in mind once they have your password – that means that all the accounts with that same password is up for grabs.  Password Hacked and 9 Things To Do After Your Email has Been Hacked


Why Affiliate Funnel?

So often we get caught up in all the new programs that we forget about the old ones that are working and in my opinion is a must join and I’ll try and tell you why Affiliate Funnel.

If I was starting out today, and really didn’t know what I was doing yet, needed some training and guidance, was overwhelmed with all the traffic exchanges and safelist out there, this is where I would start.  Well in my opinion, Affiliate Funnel offers the answers that you need and will give you the source to build your list and earn commissions as an affiliate.

Here are some of the reasons that I enjoy using Affiliate Funnel – the best part is that as an upgraded member you are allowed to pick programs to add to a splash page that is in your affiliate toolbox – this is what mine looks like.  My Affiliate Funnel Page (Yes this is even available to free members – two programs can be added)  This gives you the opportunity to promote the programs that you pick along with Affiliate Funnel at the same time – how cool is that

When you first start or even a seasoned marketer,  it’s really hard to know which sites are new, which one have been here awhile – well this will gives you a great list of the ones as to even be listed in the downline builder you need to have reached 3000 members.  Now some of you might think that is not fair, but it helps to weed out the ones that are really here for the long haul, ones that are serious about growing their business.

Now one of the biggest mistakes I see people do when they join is look at all those pages and think WOWWWWWWWWW there is no way I can join all those sites and why would I want to – good question.  But with this list it will give you a place to start – some guidance which ones to join if you don’t have a mentor to ask.  The other mistake is not filling in your affiliate id’s when you join a site.

AND did you know that they give you a free guide to help build your list – so basically took the excused away and made available the tools that you need to build a list and start earning online.  There are squeeze pages already built for you – you just need to add your autoresponder info.

Still confused after viewing the site – well you can bring your questions to a FREE webinar on Saturday’s at NOON EST and the gold nuggets (tips of the trade) that you can get by attending these and listen to Marci Jones is a priceless.

So I will ask you Why Affiliate Funnel?  This program is one of the best list building tools out there offering your many avenues to be able BUILD YOUR LIST.  AND you don’t even have to request your money, you are paid directly to your Paypal or Payza account once you have earned 10.00 or more.

Join my Team now and get started building YOUR list 

Stopping the Insanity

insanityWell I have held off on this post for long time now and have been chatting with members and other site owners and I’m going to take a big STEP here and stopping the insanity.

Earlier I had put in an email that there were some changes coming down the road for Zaney Clicks – well I have spent days behind the scene looking at stats, I have went back thru all the members emails that I have got with suggestions, new ideas, and I’m listening.

I know it don’t seem like it sometimes but I do – and I thank all the members for being honest with me – and I was going to wait till the first of the year but when I looked back at the calendar of events, the stats etc.  I have decided that the time for stopping the insanity is NOW.

AND what better time to write this post – Halloween – so for some of you this will be a treat and some of you will think it’s a trick.  Beginning November 1st – ALL regular monthly promos will be canceled.  Shocked you didn’t I?????????????

Well before you get all hiper – let me tell you what I have been hearing from members and they are right – we spend all this time setting up daily promos when that time could be spent working harder for YOU helping you get the traffic that you need, getting the referrals that you are looking for and earning the money that you are wanting to.  So in the future that is what I am going to be doing with the new things that just started at Zaney Clicks – they are going to be a bigger benefit for you as a member and help you the way the site should be helping you..

A few of the new changes have been started with some pages in rotation that has a code and only upgraded members can see and claim – they have a week to make the claim and each get a prize for claiming the codes.  After claiming the code all those members are put in a drawing for a referral and the other a week start page.

KeithHolyCowWHY in the world would I do this – well the reason is that these members have invested in this site by upgrading and I feel that they should also be able to have a chance to build their list.  So this site is going to help them do that by giving away more ACTIVE random referrals, login spotlight pages, start pages, etc.  There will be codes, bonus pages, hangman and other ways that free members can keep earning but I’m also going to take the pressure off you with trying to surf the most.

See I know from experience that these forms of advertising work – when a person can build their list they start making more money, when they can show their pages to everyone for a week they are more likely to get more referrals and also earn more money.

NOW the bottom line here as I know some people are thinking what about the cash that I am earning as of right now this site has paid out some great commissions and will continue to do so.  You will just have new and different ways to earn those commissions and the one that I will be keeping is when I catch you promoting as I surf.

So just wanted to say to all the members that have been in touch with me since July 2012 when the daily promos started – thank you, thank you and thank you for finally getting it thru my head that you DO NOT want to join anymore sites just to win some prizes.  I heard you when you said that you want to surf the sites that you like and stick with them.  You have also said that you are tired of the pressure of so many promos, you are tired of them and want something different.  Well you are going to get something different.

Will this all happen overnight – the answer is NO but I also felt that is was just time to stop talking about it and go cold turkey.  So as of November 1st the only promos that will stay on the calendar Money Monday and Take A Break Tuesday.  We will still have the events that are already set up with Magical Journey and will continue any events that we are in as of now but the others will be canceled. I will be getting all the promo prizes caught up and then starting the “NEW” events that have been planned for Zaney Clicks..

Another change that I have listened to is the upgrade that I give away to the person that surfs the most for the week – and thanks members for telling me that I’m wasting your credits for allowing that one – so that one has been changed and it will go to the person that has the most sales.

So we will still have 3 upgrades given out each week and they will go to the person that finds the Treasured Site, The Most Referrals and Person with Highest Sales.  We will still draw a winner from the list of people that submit the site to the Text Link in the email.

changesSo wanted to get this out tonight so that when you see the calendar clean in November you will know why.  All site owners that are reading this I will be personally chatting with you on this matter.  I would like to personally thank everyone that has hung in there and put up with so many promos, and thank to all the members that have come to me with your suggestions, new ideas etc. – this is going to be fun to get these started.