Social Profile – Free Advertising

Everyone has been asking in the chats what are Social Profiles as they have been seeing them on a number of the sites and not really sure what they are or what you do with them.

Each site may rebrand them and they might go by other names depending on the site and what the owners are naming them – I will give you some examples later on – first I want to tell you that you are missing out on some great FREE advertising in all the sites that have this mod.

To get started login to one of your favorite sites and see if they have this mod. You may have to hunt around on some of the sites but what you are looking for is My Social Profile and it’s going to look something like these examples of mine

Hungry For Hits

Tezzers Social Profile

Orbital Traffic

LFM Social

The Food Game

After you have logged into the site – click on My Social Profile and if offered pick a background for your pod/blog, then you can put in your info. I am just amazed at how many I see when surfing and there is nothing but the person name and picture – nothing else has been added.

This is a great way to meet other people that you have things in common with – ONE you both are advertising on a Traffic Exchange (TE) and you both are wanting others to see what you are promoting – so I am hoping after this blog post that I start seeing lot more people filling in their Traffic Pods in their Social Profile.

AND for some of you that don’t know what to write and just want to add a banner of one of your sites that you promote which in my opinion is better than leaving things blank – here is the code that I use to add that banner to my post

<a href="" target="_blank&quot;" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="400" border="0"></a>

Now get out there and lets see some post – you don’t have any excuses anymore – if you have any questions or comments – just leave them below and will answer each and every one – enjoy

P.S. Bloggers – did you see how I used this to lead you back to my blog – hint, hint

4 thoughts on “Social Profile – Free Advertising

  1. Nancy,
    As usual a great post! I have to admit, and being an Owner myself makes me embarrassed to say, that I do not have mine filled out at even my sites! 🙁 I know – shame on me. I think the same way you do that it is a great way to advertise for free, but I always thought it is an awesome way to get to know someone! You can add anything you want on the Traffic Pod – likes, dislikes, interests, recipes, etc etc. Imagine how many more people would want to be in touch with you when they know you more and find out you have common interests! I will try to get some done this weekenD – God Willing!

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