Getting back to the basics

backtobasicsStarting on the internet years ago and discovering traffic exchanges – this was all new to me and like a different language.  So I thought I would do a post of some of the highlights that I see people struggling with in getting back to the basics.

The first new word I learned was Gravatar and I still see people struggling with how to get one, what they are so let me explain. Your Gravatar is an image that follows you from site to site appearing beside your name when you do things like comment or post on a blog.

Now I know lot of you would like to use the rotator or the personal splash pages but not sure how to get your picture to show up.  Well you go to and sign up with your email account and then upload your picture. Every time that you use that email addy when you sign up at a site your picture will follow you – it’s that simple and easy.

On the site for the personal splash pages, you simply go to personal splash page and type in you name and then upload your picture, add a banner link and image if you want, and also a testimonial about the site – click save.  Then you can go to the bottom of that page and view the pages that are there to see what it looks like and then use those links to help brand yourself.

The other thing when I started was banners – wow they were so confusing for me – so will try and give you examples to hopefully make it easier.  On most sites the standard banner size is 468×60 and unless stated is what you should be adding.

This is a 468×60 and can be found by clicking on the tab Affiliate Toolbox

Now to add this to other site you will go to that page and look for the image URL and then your referral URL and this is what they will look like – AND make sure you add them in the right place otherwise they will not show – you will get that dreaded square with x
Image URL
Your Referral URL (this would be the main page)

Now I know it can be confusing when you get to the Affiliate Toolbox as you see alot of splash page URL and you are going which one do I use – well for all of you that can’t decide like me – well you can use the link under splash rotator.  What this does is on other sites when your link comes up to be shown – all the splash pages will randomly show each time – pretty cool huh?

One more thing before ending here, when you sign up to a site you are asked to put in your email address – now there are many reasons for this but the main one is so that the site owner can communicate with you and keep you informed about new things, promos, and other things that you may need to know.

So when you enter a bogus email you are only hurting yourself because on this site – if your email bounces (means you can’t get it and it comes back to me undeliverable) then that tells me that you are not serious about want to learn and be part of this site.  So what happens is that you get suspended till this is fixed.

AND if you don’t go to your profile and fill in your Paypal address – well when it’s time for the site to make payouts – it will skip over you and not pay you.  So if you want to be paid take the time to fill in your Paypal address

Hopefully this will help some of you that are getting started and fill lost and if you were like me didn’t want to ask – well let me tell you ASK – don’t be shy and there is no stupid question.  Even today, when I run into things I type my question into Google and guess what I find my question is not that stupid because someone else asked it to and there is an answer for me wooooooohooooooo  Now you know my secret for learning new things daily and a little on getting back to the basics.



12 thoughts on “Getting back to the basics

  1. Great job as always, we really do need reminders, even us that are more experienced about some basic things sometimes that we forget to do because we think we’re too busy to do it. Also an awesome reference for a newer person online.

  2. Hey Nancy,

    What an awesome Blog post Hon, and one that I think many newbies need to read! You are so right about people asking questions because many people do not like to because they think people will look at them like they are stupid or something, which is far from the truth. That is how we learn, and if we do not ask questions we would never know anything. That is why little kids are always asking questions…they are inquisitive and they want to know “Why?” and “How come?” things work like they do etc. So do not stop asking Gang, you are only hindering yourself when you stop!

    Thanks again for the great post Nancy, as always!


  3. Very Nice –

    Great blog post and solid tips too – Marketing comes in all shames and sizes. and skill levels are diverse.

    But give some one a banners ad and a good splash that gets results and show them how to add them and earn hits. they can grow to amazing heights.

    James ( The Wicked Witch of the South ) Dias

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