Did you just close the door in my face?

I’m sure this is a topic that everyone has gone thru now and then and with so many sites out there – just how well is your customer service. Do you really want me to use your site or did you just close the door in my face?

slamdoorWhen I first opened my mailer, Zaney Mailz, I looked around and thought that some of the extra mods that I was seeing would kinda be nice to add but I always like to try mods out and see how easy they are to use and how I feel when I do.

Well the one that I am considering is the claim this spot as that is my choice if I want to use it and sometimes I have the time – so that one is not so bad.

The one that really has started to make me feel like you don’t want me to use your site is the one that I HAVE to read 2, 3, 5, 10 and even 20 emails before I can send my own.  Well did you just close the door in my face?

After using mailers more and more, I have joined and use mailers alot even more so after Marty’s great site Referral Frenzy  But the one thing that I am finding is that I really don’t like to be told I can’t come into your site (store) unless I read emails.

AND yes I am aware that the idea behind a mailer is to get people to read emails but there are other ways to coach them or give them a reason to want to read on your site.  It has gotten to the point that I have separated off the sites from my list that force me to read and yea you guessed it – don’t use as often.

When I started looking at this list, I didn’t realize how many there really was, but for me I am more apt to go and use a site that I feel welcome, where I can run in and get done what I need – you do have to keep in mind that lot of people are strapped for time.

opendoorSo, bottom line – don’t force me to read emails to use your site as the more that I have to do that to less I’m going to use your site.  AND if I upgraded on your site and you are still forcing me read emails – well shame on you as you just lost a sale.  There is a reason that I bought the upgrade so that I would have the credits to mail my emails – and not feel – Did you just close the door in my face?

Now I would love to hear the pros and cons on this – so leave me a comment and let me hear your side.  Thanks in advance.