When is it SPAM

spammingIt’s been interesting over the years all the definitions of SPAM as when you Google the word this is what you get irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients – so want to mention a few things as to when is it Spam.

Over the years, when someone drops a link in a chat room they were considered to be a spammer and people had no tolerance for it but I listened to James Dias Traffic Exchange Daily  the other day and I have added it here and this will help clear up some questions on when is it SPAM

So how many have done that on the social sites??????? I know I’m have been guilty and this was an eye opener for me as I have been banning people for years for adding a link to my chats on my sites and even in my Skype room – YET I would throw links out on Twitter and Facebook.

Would love to hear any feedback on this and also any suggestions on how I as a site owner can change things up when I’m asking you to hit that Twitter or Facebook buttons on the site.

So the next time before you hit that button or throw your link into the social media – hope you will think about this post and when is it SPAM.