Making your text ads work from lessons I learned

It’s interesting how many times I hear that text ads don’t work, I never get results from text ads and let me tell you they do work with some tweaking.  Here are some things in making your text ads work from lessons I have learned

161777811584436570_IxPBd3u7_bOver the years, I have watched text ads and headliners to solo ads and I can tell you there is a trick to all this that I discovered.  One when you are viewing ads – that text ad is competing with other things on that page and it has to jump out at you and say click me.

Now if you are viewing ads and you just see another sites name that really don’t excite me as I already know what I’m going to see when I click.  So kinda boring don’t you think????

Now what if you put some pazazz, excitement, curiosity in that text ad – you need to give the person viewing ads a reason to click that text ad. Here is a few examples …..

Cheaper than a gallon of gas
You will be tempted….
Adult Coloring Books!!!
You Afraid of ALIENS ?
There Is Life After PAYPAL
Close your eyes and make a wish
Not Surfing Here? Big Mistake!

These are just a few that I picked out to show you – the first one is surely a way to catch someone’s eye without putting in a price.  2nd one – tempted on what – click and see – so simple huh?  Adult Coloring Books – well that made me click and they are really Adult Coloring Book – awesome books – great Christmas gift.  You Afraid of Aliens?  well I had to click that one just to see who was being clever lol.

And with all the downers going on about Paypal – the next one was hope and let you know that this might have been a stumbling block but life does go on – very good one.  Close your eyes and make a wish – again clicked that one just to see what I could wish for.  AND if you have a site that is working for you – thought the last one was very clever with the reverse psychology.

Teaching catSo the next time you are adding your TEXT ADS – stop and think about what your a adding and ask yourself will someone click on it.  Making your text ads from lessons I have learned is not that hard – just put a little thought into it the next time you are just going to add a site name – you will be surprised

Oh one more thing – since you don’t see your own text ads when viewing ads – here is another things I learned the hard way – my whole ad was not being displayed.  The normal amount of characters are 30 including spaces.  Here are a few examples of what I have seen

This is your chance to Earn a
Free Pros Going Now. Limited T
Social Networking with Free Cl
Get Paid 0.5 Cents For Every E
Our Unique Software Will Pla

So make sure that the site you are adding your text ad you know how many characters you are allowed so that others are seeing what you meant to say.  Just so you know Zaney Clicks lets you add 40 characters plus spaces.

I really am going to shut up – one more tip.  If you are not creative then do like I do – get inspiration from reading emails for credits and then pay attention to the ones that caught your eye and make a swipe file (secret) a swipe file is a text file that I have in notepad that I swipe from someone else and put my twist on it.  There are many, many places to add to your swipe file – magazines, newspaper ads, billboard ads, other text ads, facebook ads and even twitter.

16 thoughts on “Making your text ads work from lessons I learned

  1. Me too Susan. I’ve often said over the years how much I enjoy Nancy’s writing style and she gives good practical advice too.

    That advice up there – pure gold! – especially the bit about watching other ads and creating swipe files. Even the most creative people use swipes at times – not to directly copy – but to inspire.

    And for those who have beeen around a long time like myself one of the great things about surfing is seeing other people’s ads just to get ideas for improving my own. Just walking down the street I see ideas too – life is a swipe file for me 🙂

    • Thanks for the comment John and I was also one of the ones that was not sure about them for years but now I feel they are an underutilized source of advertising and so many wasted text impressions not being used – hope you give them a try – best of luck

  2. When I was taking my Journalism course, one of the hardest parts we had to conquer in order to even think of graduating, was headlines.

    They are much like text ads. Very short space to say a powerful lot. Ben, our teacher, who worked with the Toronto Star for 20 years, showed no mercy. His favorite comment on hard work was “… nope, not right yet!”

    That statement has stuck with me for years. While you watch the ads, while you write the text, while you watch the character length allowed, keep in mind, a little extra thinking and your results will never get stuck on the “.. nope, not right yet!”

  3. Awesome post and tips Nancy,
    First time in here that handsome guy…. Paul posted a link in their skype room.
    But great blog and will saved it to my favorites coming back to read some more,
    Gonna try a few tips out Thanks 🙂

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