Stopping the Insanity

insanityWell I have held off on this post for long time now and have been chatting with members and other site owners and I’m going to take a big STEP here and stopping the insanity.

Earlier I had put in an email that there were some changes coming down the road for Zaney Clicks – well I have spent days behind the scene looking at stats, I have went back thru all the members emails that I have got with suggestions, new ideas, and I’m listening.

I know it don’t seem like it sometimes but I do – and I thank all the members for being honest with me – and I was going to wait till the first of the year but when I looked back at the calendar of events, the stats etc.  I have decided that the time for stopping the insanity is NOW.

AND what better time to write this post – Halloween – so for some of you this will be a treat and some of you will think it’s a trick.  Beginning November 1st – ALL regular monthly promos will be canceled.  Shocked you didn’t I?????????????

Well before you get all hiper – let me tell you what I have been hearing from members and they are right – we spend all this time setting up daily promos when that time could be spent working harder for YOU helping you get the traffic that you need, getting the referrals that you are looking for and earning the money that you are wanting to.  So in the future that is what I am going to be doing with the new things that just started at Zaney Clicks – they are going to be a bigger benefit for you as a member and help you the way the site should be helping you..

A few of the new changes have been started with some pages in rotation that has a code and only upgraded members can see and claim – they have a week to make the claim and each get a prize for claiming the codes.  After claiming the code all those members are put in a drawing for a referral and the other a week start page.

KeithHolyCowWHY in the world would I do this – well the reason is that these members have invested in this site by upgrading and I feel that they should also be able to have a chance to build their list.  So this site is going to help them do that by giving away more ACTIVE random referrals, login spotlight pages, start pages, etc.  There will be codes, bonus pages, hangman and other ways that free members can keep earning but I’m also going to take the pressure off you with trying to surf the most.

See I know from experience that these forms of advertising work – when a person can build their list they start making more money, when they can show their pages to everyone for a week they are more likely to get more referrals and also earn more money.

NOW the bottom line here as I know some people are thinking what about the cash that I am earning as of right now this site has paid out some great commissions and will continue to do so.  You will just have new and different ways to earn those commissions and the one that I will be keeping is when I catch you promoting as I surf.

So just wanted to say to all the members that have been in touch with me since July 2012 when the daily promos started – thank you, thank you and thank you for finally getting it thru my head that you DO NOT want to join anymore sites just to win some prizes.  I heard you when you said that you want to surf the sites that you like and stick with them.  You have also said that you are tired of the pressure of so many promos, you are tired of them and want something different.  Well you are going to get something different.

Will this all happen overnight – the answer is NO but I also felt that is was just time to stop talking about it and go cold turkey.  So as of November 1st the only promos that will stay on the calendar Money Monday and Take A Break Tuesday.  We will still have the events that are already set up with Magical Journey and will continue any events that we are in as of now but the others will be canceled. I will be getting all the promo prizes caught up and then starting the “NEW” events that have been planned for Zaney Clicks..

Another change that I have listened to is the upgrade that I give away to the person that surfs the most for the week – and thanks members for telling me that I’m wasting your credits for allowing that one – so that one has been changed and it will go to the person that has the most sales.

So we will still have 3 upgrades given out each week and they will go to the person that finds the Treasured Site, The Most Referrals and Person with Highest Sales.  We will still draw a winner from the list of people that submit the site to the Text Link in the email.

changesSo wanted to get this out tonight so that when you see the calendar clean in November you will know why.  All site owners that are reading this I will be personally chatting with you on this matter.  I would like to personally thank everyone that has hung in there and put up with so many promos, and thank to all the members that have come to me with your suggestions, new ideas etc. – this is going to be fun to get these started.