I'm Judit - Dani to many - and I've been clicking and surfing for almost 20 years. at the beginning, the company was still very good, the surfers worked together, and the owners tried to help us in everything and trusted us. They managed well and were always able to pay us, and we were happy to buy because we knew it made sense.
Nowadays, unfortunately, this no longer exists, the owners - 98% of them - no longer pay, only after buying the recommended ones, which is very, very little. They do not respect the work of surfers, they are not interested in the work and time invested, but they expect us to buy as much as possible from them. Respect for the exceptions, because there are those who are still doing well today, and it is worth investing in their pages, because they also look at how much people work for that few dollars.
Now about the surfers: unfortunately, lately there is no good company, there is no coordination, there is no community, the familiarity has disappeared. Everyone is watching how they can humiliate the other, knock them into the ground by saying that they are the best and only they can surf the most, and they deserve everything.
In the course of many years, I lost all my good sides, the support of my teams, the first place in surfing, everything for which a little respect and earnings would come. There are 2 pages left where I still felt good, but one of them has already been lost, and the other will be lost due to the aforementioned aspects.
I don't want to, and I can't compete with anyone anymore, I always felt that it wasn't a competition..............but unfortunately, nobody cares about anyone anymore........ .......do it - and I think that if the people I'm thinking of read it, they will know about themselves that it's about them - and slowly the magic will be lost, why I came here among you 20 years ago and fought among you, with you!
Those who love and respect me to this day, I think they will remain in my heart and love! - no matter how few there are.
Thanks for reading!
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